Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type IPipelineConfig

Namespace ImageResizer.Configuration

Interfaces IVirtualImageProvider

Public instance methods

void FireAuthorizeImage(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext context, IUrlAuthorizationEventArgs urlEventArgs)

void FireImageMissing(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext context, IUrlEventArgs urlEventArgs)

void FirePostAuthorizeRequest(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext httpContext)

void FirePreHandleImage(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext context, IResponseArgs e)

void FireRewritingEvents(IHttpModule sender, HttpContext context, IUrlEventArgs ue)

ICacheProvider GetCacheProvider()

Returns a ICacheProvider instance that provides caching system selection and creation.

ImageBuilder GetImageBuilder()

Returns an ImageBuilder instance to use for image processing.

bool HasPipelineDirective(NameValueCollection q)

True if the querystring contains any directives that are understood by the pipeline

bool IsAcceptedImageType(string filePath)

True if the specified extension is one that the pipeline can handle

string TrimFakeExtensions(string path)

Removes the first fake extension detected at the end of 'path' (like image.jpg.ashx -> image.jpg).

Public properties

string ModifiedPathKey get;

The key in Context.Items to access a the path to use instead of Request.path

NameValueCollection ModifiedQueryString get; set;

string ModifiedQueryStringKey get;

The key in Context.Items to store the modified querystring (i.e, post-rewrite). Allows VirtualPathProviders to access the rewritten data.

bool ModuleInstalled get; set;

True once the InterceptModule has been installed.

string PreRewritePath get;

Returns the value of Context.Items["resizer.newPath"] if present. If not, returns FilePath + PathInfo. Sets Context.Items["resizer.newPath"]. Only useful during the Pipeline.PostAuthorizeRequestStart event.

string ResponseArgsKey get;

The key in Context.Items to store the IResponseArgs object

bool SkipFileTypeCheck get;

Get or sets whether the file extension check should be applied to the current request. Defaults to true. If set to true, will only affect the current request, and will only cause the Resizer to evaluate the rewriting rules on the request. Processing may still not occur if no querystring values are specified. Add 'cache=always' to force caching to occur.

string SkipFileTypeCheckKey get;

string StopRoutingKey get;

The key in Context.Items to set if we want to cancel MVC routing for the request

VppUsageOption VppUsage get;

The behavior to use when accessing the file system.