Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type Config

Namespace ImageResizer.Configuration

Public instance methods

void BuildImage(object source, object dest, string settings)

Shortuct to CurrentImageBuilder.Build (Useful for COM clients). Also creates a destination folder if needed, unlike the normal.Build() call.

int get(string selector, int defaultValue)

bool get(string selector, bool defaultValue)

string get(string selector, string defaultValue)

T get<T>(string selector, T defaultValue)

Node getConfigXml()

Returns a deep copy if the current state of the configuration tree (starting with the 'resizer' element as the root)

string GetDiagnosticsPage()

Returns a string of the diagnostics page

Node getNode(string selector)

Returns a deep copy of the specified node

void setConfigXml(Node n)

Replaces the configuration tree with the specified alternative

void setConfigXmlText(string xml)

Replaces the configuration tree with the specified alternative

void UpgradeImageBuilder(ImageBuilder replacement)

Allows subclasses to be used instead of ImageBuilder. Replacements must override the Create method and call their own constructor instead.

void WriteDiagnosticsTo(string path)

Writes a diagnostic page to the specified physical path

Public properties

IIssueProvider AllIssues get;

Returns a list of all issues reported by the resizing core, as well as by all the plugins

IssueSink configurationSectionIssues get;

Config Current get;

Gets the current (app-wide) config instance.

ImageBuilder CurrentImageBuilder get;

Returns a shared instance of ImageManager, (or a subclass if it has been upgraded). Instances change whenever ImageBuilderExtensions change.

PipelineConfig Pipeline get;

Access and modify settings related to the HttpModule pipline. Register URL rewriting hooks, etc.

PluginConfig Plugins get;

Access and modify plugins