Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type IResponseArgs

Namespace ImageResizer.Caching

A collection of data and callbacks that can be passed to a caching object.


Public properties

ModifiedDateDelegate GetModifiedDateUTC get;

A delegate that returns the modified date of the source data.

bool HasModifiedDate get;

True if a modified date is available for verifying cache integrity.

string RequestKey get;

A string derived from the request, which can contain any kind of data. To get a cache key that varies with the source modified date, it should be combined with the value of GetModifiedDateUTC() and hashed.

ResizeImageDelegate ResizeImageToStream get;

A callback method that will resize, encode, and write the data to the given stream.

IResponseHeaders ResponseHeaders get; set;

The content-type of the data, among other things. Set ResponseHeaders.ApplyDuringPreSendRequestHeaders to automatically write caching headers based on ResponseHeaders values. Caching systems that use redirects may use this data as hints when configuring caching on the remote server.

NameValueCollection RewrittenQuerystring get;

The rewritten querystring. Can be useful for caching systems that accept querystring arguments.

string SuggestedExtension get;

A file extension appropriate for the resulting data. May be different than the extension on the original request.