Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type ResponseArgs

Namespace ImageResizer.Caching

Interfaces IResponseArgs

Public properties

ModifiedDateDelegate GetModifiedDateUTC get; set;

A callback method to return the last modified date of the source file if available, or DateTime.MinValue if not.

GetSourceImageDelegate GetSourceImage get; set;

bool HasModifiedDate get; set;

True if the source file/record has a modified date

string RequestKey get; set;

A value derived from the request. Can be used as a cache key.

ResizeImageDelegate ResizeImageToStream get; set;

A callback method that will resize and encode the image into a stream.

IResponseHeaders ResponseHeaders get; set;

The content-type of the data, among other things. Set ResponseHeaders.ApplyDuringPreSendRequestHeaders to automatically write caching headers based on ResponseHeaders values. Caching systems that use redirects may use this data as hints when configuring caching on the remote server.

NameValueCollection RewrittenQuerystring get; set;

The rewritten querystring. Can be useful for caching systems that accept querystring arguments.

string SuggestedExtension get; set;