Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type IResponseHeaders

Namespace ImageResizer.Caching

Allows customization of response headers for a processed image, as well as configuration of the caching system.


Public properties

bool ApplyDuringPreSendRequestHeaders get; set;

True if the application should automatically execute ApplyToResponse() during the PreSendRequestHeaders event.

ApplyResponseHeadersDelegate ApplyToResponse get; set;

A delegate method to apply the values stored in IResponseHeaders to the specified HttpContext.

HttpCacheability CacheControl get; set;

The cache setting. Defaults to ServerAndPrivate

string ContentType get; set;

The mime-type of the output data. Defaults to null.

NameValueCollection DefaultHeaders get; set;

These headers should be applied first, prior to the application of other settings

DateTime Expires get; set;

The UTC time at which the cached data should expire. Browsers generally don't re-request resources until the they have expired (unlike modififeddate). If MinValue, will be ignored.

NameValueCollection Headers get; set;

These headers are applied after applying all of the other settings. (and they will overwrite exisiting values).

DateTime LastModified get; set;

The UTC modified date send with the response. Used by browsers with If-Modified-Since to check a cached value is still valid. If = MinValue, will be ignored.

List<CacheDependency> ServerCacheDependencies get; set;

Returns a collection of dependencies used for invalidating the server cache. Note, having items here will disable kernel-mode caching. Perhaps it is better to simply use LastModified

bool SuppressVaryHeader get; set;

ASP.Net sometimes sends Vary: * which obliterates caching. Vary is to be avoided anyhow. Defaults to true

bool ValidUntilExpires get; set;

When true: If a client requests a refresh, the response will *still* be served from the server cache. Defaults to false