Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type ScaleMode

Namespace ImageResizer

Parent Enum

Controls whether the image is allowed to upscale, downscale, both, or if only the canvas gets to be upscaled.


Public fields

int value__

return int

ScaleMode DownscaleOnly

The default. Only downsamples images - never enlarges. If an image is smaller than 'width' and 'height', the image coordinates are used instead.
return ScaleMode

ScaleMode UpscaleOnly

Only upscales (zooms) images - never downsamples except to meet web.config restrictions. If an image is larger than 'width' and 'height', the image coordinates are used instead.
return ScaleMode

ScaleMode Both

Upscales and downscales images according to 'width' and 'height', within web.config restrictions.
return ScaleMode

ScaleMode UpscaleCanvas

When the image is smaller than the requested size, padding is added instead of stretching the image
return ScaleMode