Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type ImageProcessingException

Namespace ImageResizer

Parent HttpException

Represents an non-recoverable exception that occured while processing the image. Possible causes are: a corrupted source file, cache resource timeout (such as a locked file in imagecache), unusable configuration (for example, no registered encoders or caches), invalid syntax, or a size limit was exceeded and the request was stopped by the SizeLimiting extension. May also be caused by a missing source file/resource, in the form of the ImageMissingException subclass.



Public instance methods

Exception GetBaseException()

string GetHtmlErrorMessage()

int GetHttpCode()

Public properties

IDictionary Data get;

int ErrorCode get;

int HResult get; set;

Exception InnerException get;

string Message get;

string Source get; set;

string StackTrace get;

MethodBase TargetSite get;

int WebEventCode get; set;