Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type Utils

Namespace ImageResizer.Util

Public static methods

RotateFlipType combineFlipAndRotate(RotateFlipType flip, double angle)

void copyStream(Stream source, Stream dest)

Copies all remaining data from 'source' to 'dest'

bool getBool(NameValueCollection q, string name, bool defaultValue)

double getDouble(NameValueCollection q, string name, double defaultValue)

float getFloat(NameValueCollection q, string name, float defaultValue)

int getInt(NameValueCollection q, string name, int defaultValue)

double normalizeTo90Intervals(double d)

Color parseColor(string value, Color defaultValue)

KeyValuePair<CropMode, Double[]> parseCrop(string value)

KeyValuePair<CropUnits, double> parseCropUnits(string value)

T parseEnum<T>(string value, T defaultValue)

RotateFlipType parseFlip(string sFlip)

Returns RotateNoneFlipNone if not a recognized value.

Double[] parseList(string text, double defaultValue)

Parses lists in the form "3,4,5,2,5" and "(3,4,40,50)". If a number cannot be parsed (i.e, number 2 in "5,,2,3") defaultValue is used.

BoxPadding parsePadding(string value)

Parses padding, allowing syntax (all) and (left, top, right, bottom). Parens are optional.

PointF parsePointF(string value, PointF defaultValue)

double parseRotate(string s)

Returns 0 if not a recognized value. Rounds the value to 0, 90, 180, or 270

ScaleMode parseScale(string value)

StretchMode parseStretch(string value)

string writeColor(Color value)

string writeCrop(CropMode mode, Double[] coords)

string writeCropUnits(KeyValuePair<CropUnits, double> value)

string writeFlip(RotateFlipType flip)

Throws an exception if the specified value is unsupported. Rotation values are not supported, and should be specified with the Rotate or srcRotate command.

string writePadding(BoxPadding p)

string writeScale(ScaleMode value)

string writeStretch(StretchMode value)

Public fields

NumberStyles floatingPointStyle

return NumberStyles