Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type LayoutBuilder

Namespace ImageResizer.Resizing

Public instance methods

PointSet AddIgnoredPoints(string name, PointF[] points)

PointSet AddInvisiblePolygon(string name, PointF[] points)

Add points this way to see where they will occur on the destination image

PointSet AddRing(string name, PointF[] points)

PointSet AddRing(string name, BoxPadding padding)

Inflates the last ring using the specified padding options. Returns the resulting ring object

bool ContainsRing(string name)

RectangleF GetBoundingBox()

Gets a bounding box that encloses all rings that don't have ExcludeFromBoundingBox set.

void Normalize(PointF origin)

Normalizes all rings and invisible polygons so that the outermost ring's bounding box starts at the specified orign.

void Rotate(double degrees, PointF origin)

Rotates all existing rings (Except those flagged ignore)

void Round()

void Scale(double factor, PointF origin)

Scales all rings and invisible polygons by the specified factor, around the specified point.

void Shift(RectangleF from, RectangleF to)

Translates and scales all rings and invisible polygons as specified.

Public properties

PointF[] Item get; set;

Access and set the Point[] arrays of rings by key. Case-insensitive.

PointSet LastRing get;

Returns the last ring that was added. Only returns PointSets where flags = Ring