Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type Image404

Namespace ImageResizer.Plugins.Basic

Interfaces IQuerystringPlugin, IPlugin

Redirects image 404 errors to a querystring-specified server-local location, while maintaining querystring values so layout isn't disrupted. For example, missingimage.jpg?404=image.jpg&width=200 with the default setting will redirect to ~/image.jpg?width=200. You may also configure 'variables', which is the reccomended approach. Ex. and use them like so: missingimage.jpg?404=propertImageDefault?width=200 -> ~/images/nophoto.png?width=200. Querystring values in the variable value take precedence. For example, Ex. and missingimage.jpg?format=jpg&404=propertImageDefault?width=200 -> ~/images/nophoto.png?format=png&width=200.