Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type EnumExtensions

Namespace ImageResizer.ExtensionMethods

Extends enumerations by allowing them to define alternate strings with the [EnumString("Alternate Name",true)] attribute, and support it through TryParse and ToPreferredString


Public static methods

Nullable<T> Parse<T>(string value)

Nullable<T> Parse<T>(T en, string value)

Attempts case-insensitive parsing of the specified enum. Returns null if parsing failed. Supports [EnumString("Alternate Value")] attributes and parses flags. If any segment of a comma-delimited list isn't parsed as either a number or string, null will be returned.

T Parse<T>(T en, string value, T defaultValue)

Attempts case-insensitive parsing of the specified enum. Returns the specified default value if parsing fails. Supports [EnumString("Alternate Value")] attributes and parses flags. If any segment of a comma-delimited list isn't parsed as either a number or string, defaultValue will be returned.

string ToPreferredString(Enum en, bool lowerCase)

Retuns the string representation for the given enumeration