Image Resizer : API Documentation

Type ILogger

Namespace ImageResizer.Configuration.Logging

Public instance methods

void Debug(string message, Object[] args)

void Debug(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Debug level.
string message
A to be written.

void Error(string message, Object[] args)

void Error(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Error level.
string message
A to be written.

void Fatal(string message, Object[] args)

void Fatal(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Fatal level.
string message
A to be written.

void Info(string message, Object[] args)

void Info(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Info level.
string message
A to be written.

bool IsEnabled(string level)

Checks if the specified log level is enabled.
string level
The log level.
A value indicating whether the specified log level is enabled.

void Log(string level, string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the specified level.
string level
The log level.
string message
A to be written.

void Trace(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Trace level.
string message
A to be written.

void Trace(string message, Object[] args)

void Warn(string message, Object[] args)

void Warn(string message)

Writes the diagnostic message at the Warn level.
string message
A to be written.

Public properties

bool IsDebugEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Debug level is enabled.

bool IsErrorEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Error level is enabled.

bool IsFatalEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Fatal level is enabled.

bool IsInfoEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Info level is enabled.

bool IsTraceEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Trace level is enabled.

bool IsWarnEnabled get;

Gets a value indicating whether the Warn level is enabled.

string LoggerName get; set;

Gets or sets the logger name.